Our AWD Mustang Dynamometer 

Quantum Performance has purchased an all-wheel drive, extended wheel base Mustang 150SE Dynamometer. This state of the art tool allows us to accurately and safely tune and test vehicles in house. Built in Ohio, Mustang has a long history of being one of most accurate dynes on the market for tuning. If you are looking for simply inflated horsepower numbers, you won't find it here. Our machine is professionally calibrated regularly, and is shown to be very consistent and very repeatable. Additionally, we now offer a built in estimated DynoJet power reading feature, for those customers looking for comparison machine to machine.

Safety In Mind

We have spent extra time and energy to install this machine in ground, leaving extra space for ease of use. No worrying about backing your car up long ramps or risk of falling off the machine should a strap break. Our machine also uses multiple rollers which are designed to prevent your vehicle from "walking" off the machine. Quantum Performance strives to provide you with the cleanest, safest and most accurate all-wheel drive dynamometer in the state of Wisconsin.


Since moving to our new facility in mid 2016, Quantum Performance has now built our own enclosed dyno cell. This state of the art room allows us to fully enclose the entire vehicle and dyno, while also allowing us to more accurately duplicate airflow and cooling levels typically found at high speeds. In utilizing this room we are now able to offer longer sustained vehicle use and keep more consistent testing conditions. Please email for any rental or dyno use inquiries.